Host Family Topics
Looking into extracurricular activities (CL, CA, G&E)
- Do you know if the participant has joined any extracurricular activities? If so which one(s)
- Participants may not be familiar with rigorous sports practice
- Encourage the participant to join extracurricular activities (CA)
Making friends (CL, CA, G&E)
- Do you know of any friends the participant has made?
Treat participant as a member of the family early on, not a guest (CA, G&E)
- How is the process of treating the participant as a family member? What are difficulties if any that you have experienced?
Upcoming holidays/events in home country to be aware of – use culturegrams (CL)
- Are you aware of any upcoming events in the participant's home country?
Check in with school teachers to see how the participant is doing
- Discuss importance of daily assignments, check in every month if you know the student is struggling (CA, G&E)
- Have you checked in with the school to see if the participant is showing any signs of deficiencies or progress?
- Set objectives for between now and December (G&E)
What are your learning objectives for this experience?
- DIE (CL)
- Revisit participant/ host family questionnaire (CL, CA)
Communication styles (CL, CA)
- Have you noticed any differences in nonverbal communication between you and the student? (CL)
- Discuss privacy issues on internet
Ensure awareness of Travel Policy (RL)
- Do you know if the student has any upcoming plans to travel with or without you?
- AFS Learning Objectives (A&U)
Participant Topics
Looking into extracurricular activities
- Have you joined a sports team?
- If so, what do you think of the practice schedule?
- How does it compare to a similar sport back home?
- Participants may not be familiar with rigorous sports practice (CL, CA, G&E)
- How are your school activities going?
- Are you going to participate in Homecoming?
- If so, remind student about alcohol laws and the AFS rule that a student can be sent home for consuming alcohol on the program.
- Also note that the post arrival orientation takes precedence over Homecoming activities if there is a conflict.
Making friends (CL, CA, G&E)
- Have you made any friends yet?
Participant/ Host family questionnaire (PSW, CL, CA)
- Have you completed the Participant and Host Family Questionnaire yet?
Treat participant as a member of the family early on, not guest, transportation and logistics (CA, G&E)
- How are you getting along with your host family?
- What chores around the house are you responsible for?
- Suggest them preparing a typical home country meal for their host family, or another activity where the participant can share their culture.
Set objectives for between now and December (G&E)
- Can you tell me one goal you have between now and the next time we talk? Now and December? What steps will you take to accomplish these goals. (Help them think of ideas if necessary)
Communication styles (CL, CA)
- Have you noticed any differences in nonverbal communication between you and the student? (CL)
- Discuss privacy issues, the need to limit excessive contact with home, and using Facebook as a tool to reach out to new friends in the US (rather than as another link to their friends at home).
- How have you been using the internet in the house?
- Have you been on any social media websites lately?
- How do you use them?
Ensure awareness of Travel Policy (RL)
- Are you planning on taking any trips with your host family, school or otherwise?
- If so, remind them of the Independent Travel Guidelines.
AFS Learning Objectives (A&U)
- What does this mean to you?
- Have you done anything to work toward achieving this mission?
- What is one thing you have done so far that you feel good about?
- Have you experienced any peer pressure with regard to alcohol use or other behaviors that go against your values or AFS rules?
- How did you handle this? (PSW)
- Or how will you handle it?
Importance of regular sleep (CA)
- Are you getting enough/too much sleep?
Cultural adjustment check-in (CA)
- What is the biggest challenge at this point?
- What can you do to overcome this challenge?
Remedies for culture shock (CA)
Red Flags (CL, CA)
Communication tips (CL, CA)
Prepare a typical home country meal for family (CA)
- Have you thought about preparing a meal from your home country for your host family?
- If so, what dish(es) are you thinking of preparing?
International Day of Peace related activity (A&U)
Sex and STD info (PSW)
Ask about how things are going with the language (CL)
- Are you experiencing any difficulties in understanding the language?
Encourage participants to stick with fall/winter activity (CA)
Ask how things are going at school and get assistance if necessary (CA, G&E)
- How are your classes going?
- How much time are you spending on homework?
- Do you need help?
- School attendance is required and adequate performance is a program requirement.
- Is it getting easier to understand your teachers in class?
A&U = AFS and You
PSW = Personal Safety and Well-being
CL = Culture Learning
CA = Cultural Adjustment
G&E = Goals and Expectations
RL = Required Logistics