Host Family Topics
Arrange community service activity to expose participants to challenges faced by community, see volunteerism in action outside of AFS. Expose to less positive side of US to help avoid "reversal" (CL, CA)
Has your student done anything in the community to share his or her culture?
- If not, encourage parents to encourage the student to do so and provide some ideas. If so, ask for details and note for advice for other parents. (Engaging in community service works allow participants to see the aspects of U.S. culture and provided the opportunity to make additional connections in the community.) (CL, CA)
Check in with siblings (CA)
How is the student getting along with you and/or your partner and/or host siblings?
- Ask the parent what they can do to improve the relationship if necessary and make suggestions if applicable. (CA)
Discuss Homecoming (dance, date, dress clothes, drinking) (CL, G&E)
Will there be a homecoming dance at your student’s school?
- Encourage parents to encourage the student to attend and to discuss with them any cost that might be associated and how they will be covered. Ask the parents to remind the student about the no drinking rule and of the consequences of breaking it. (CL, G&E)
Review travel/natural family visit policies (A&U, CA)
Have you reviewed the rules surrounding visits from natural family? Are they planning on coming over to visit? What does the timeline for that look like? (A&U, CA)
Review cultural adjustment highs and lows and what to do/not do (CA)
How has your participant been feeling lately?
Have they been sick?
- Discuss with them the symptoms that may be caused by Cultural Shift and how to help their student manage them. (CA)
- Encourage host family to chat with other host families, consider arranging weekend breaks for each family (CA)
Have you gotten in touch with any other host families? (CA)
Participant Topics
Arrange community service activity to expose the student to challenges faced by the community, see volunteerism in action outside of AFS. Expose to less positive side of US to help avoid "reversal" (CL, CA)
Have you done any community service or volunteer work so far? If so, what did you do?
Were you surprised by anything about the experience?
Are there similar needs back in your home country?
- If no, encourage them to become involved in this regard and give some ideas on how to do so. (Engaging in community service works allow participants to see other aspects of U.S. culture and proved the opportunity to make additional connections in the community.) (CL, CA)
AFS participants as ambassadors (A&U, CL)
In what ways have you fulfilled the role of an ambassador for your home country in your host community?
Can you think of some ways to do so in the coming months? (A&U, CL)
Review cultural adjustment highs and lows and what to do/not do (CA)
How have you been feeling lately? Have you been sick?
- Discuss with them the symptoms that may be caused by Cultural Shift and how to manage them.
How are you getting along with your host parents/host siblings? Have you noticed any cultural differences since we last spoke? If so, what was the nature of the difference? Did you discuss this with others in the family? (CA)
Discuss natural family visit policies (A&U, CA)
Have you reviewed the rules surrounding visits from natural family? Are they planning on coming over to visit? What does the timeline for that look like? (A&U, CA)
Discuss the policies for travel and remind the student of the Independent Travel Guidelines. (CA)
Are you planning to travel? Have you reviewed the rules and policies for independent travel? (CA)
If the student is going to graduate, talk to them about American graduation traditions. (CL, G&E)
- Discuss some of the American graduation traditions.
Do you know how to order caps and gowns? Senior/yearbook pictures?
- Talk about ways that they can do all these traditions in an affordable way. (CL, G&E)
Discuss Homecoming (dance, date, dress clothes, drinking) (CL, G&E)
Will there be a homecoming dance at your school?
- If necessary, explain what this is. Encourage the participant to attend. Discuss any cost that might be associated and how to cover them. Remind participants about the no drinking rule and the consequences for breaking it. (CL, G&E)
Encourage the student to continue with the commitment to having an alcohol free remainder of the year (PSW, G&E)
Have you experienced any peer pressure with regard to alcohol use or other behaviors that go against your values or AFS rules? How did you handle this? (PSW, G&E)
Tell students not to make any permanent changes to their bodies such as tattoos (PSW)
- Keep in mind that any changes you might make to your body that are permanent and you might not be excited about them in the future. I would advise you not to get tattoos or other permanent changes. (PSW)
A&U = AFS and You
PSW = Personal Safety and Well-being
CL = Culture Learning
CA = Cultural Adjustment
G&E = Goals and Expectations
RL = Required Logistics