Host Family Topics
See if an article about us could be put into the newspaper. (A&U, G&E)
Have there been any particularly note-worthy events that have happened since the arrival of your host student that might make for a great newspaper story? (A&U)
Be there and ready to listen to our times of homesickness.(CA)
How is your child dealing with homesickness? How are you listening to their concerns and addressing them to make them feel more at home here? (CA)
Review cultural adjustment highs and lows and what to do/not do (CA)
Have you thought again about the highs and lows of cultural adjustment? How can we brainstorm ways to best deal with the ups and downs? (CA)
Keep kids busy during school break or may get lonely/homesick (CA)
Remember that in idle days, it is easier then to feel lonely and homesick. What are your plans over the winter break to stay busy? (CA)
Arrange community service activity to expose to challenges faced by community, see volunteerism in action outside of AFS. Expose to less positive side of US to help avoid "reversal." (CL, CA)
- Think about the ideals of the season and that one of the underlying themes of Christmas is giving. Is there some sort of community service to get involved with with your host student to help out those in need and expose the student to a less positive side of the US, helping with eliminating “reversal.” (CL)
Check in with sibs (CA)
How are the host siblings doing with hosting a foreign student? (CA)
Assess progress on goals (G&E)
Looking back on the goals you set earlier this year, how do you feel they are being met? Is there anything left to do to meet these goals better? (G&E)
Ensure awareness of Travel Policies (CL)
Have you reviewed the AFS travel policies again? Please keep them in mind as you make holiday plans to stay within the parameters. (A&U)
Reflect on insights gained about U.S. culture, home culture, family culture, explore cultural differences (CL)
Has hosting a student from another culture made you look at you own culture in a different light?
What are some things you have found out about your home culture, family culture etc? (CL)
Discuss was for student to have a safe spring (PSW, G&E)
Moving forward, what are some plans to ensure that the student will have a safe and successful spring? (PSW)
- Have a little conference time with the student and family where we discuss ways that everyone has grown from the experience. (G&E)
Participant Topics
Review cultural adjustment highs and lows and what to do/not do (CA)
How have you felt you are adjusting to US culture and what are some of the highs and lows you have been experiencing?
How are some good and healthy ways to deal with these ups and downs? (CA)
Ensure awareness of Travel Policies (G&E)
Please be sure to review again the travel policies outlined by AFS. As you are making plans with your family for the winter break, please ensure that you are operating within the guidelines. (A&U)
Discuss ways for student to have a safe spring (PSW, G&E)
Moving into the second half of your stay, what are some plans to ensure a safe and happy spring? (PSW)
- Assess progress on expectations/goal (G&E)
How have your goals been met or not met? What more can you do to ensure that you come out of this experience meeting those expectations with which you came in? (G&E)
Have you experienced any peer pressure with regard to alcohol use or other behaviors that go against your values or AFS rules? How did you handle this? (PSW)
- Encourage the student to continue with their commitment to having a drug and alcohol free remainder of the year. (PSW)
A&U = AFS and You
PSW = Personal Safety and Well-being
CL = Culture Learning
CA = Cultural Adjustment
G&E = Goals and Expectations
RL = Required Logistics