Placing Students Directly in Schools – School Placed Status
The School Placed status will be used when a school guarantees acceptance of a particular student with a signed Placement Acceptance Form uploaded into Global Link on the student’s Placement Detail page (you can find the Upload button at the very bottom of the page). If you are interested in showing a student to a school for potential school placement, please enter a Hold request immediately followed by the School Placed request. That way, once your Hold is accepted you will have time to secure approval from the school. If they will not accept the student, you can release your Hold and cancel your School Placed request.
If the school fails to find a family for a School Placed student by mid-spring (exact date for 2023 TBD), the Team must decide either to make the student Area Team Available or return the student to Regionally Available.
School Placement requests for Sponsored Programs students will be reviewed and accepted on a case-by-case basis. Please note that the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) must approve before a Sponsored Programs student may be placed in non-traditional, private, charter, or boarding (only considered in exceptional cases for students with disabilities) schools. (Home school is never an option.) Contact your Regional Field Specialist if you wish to School Place a YES, FLEX, or CBYX student.
To learn more about placing students, please review the Hosting Application Distribution Process.