Please find 2023-2024 (NH23 and SH24) AFS-USA hosted CBYX, FLEX, and YES departures listed below.
Please note that as per ECA policy, year-end activities (such as prom, graduation, important host family events, etc.) are not considered when assigning return flight dates and the student must return to their home country on the assigned travel date at the end of the program. Additionally, the U.S. visa will not be amended or extended beyond the program end date. No exceptions will be made.
Per AFS policy, travel must be completed at least one week prior to departure from the host community.
2023-2024 (NH23) AFS-USA hosted CBYX Participant Departures:
AFS-USA hosted German CBYX participants will have a different program conclusion experience and procedure than in prior years:
- CBYX participants will depart the U.S. on June 24, 2024, a flagship program return travel date.
- CBYX participants will not have a CBYX-specific in-person orientation in Washington, D.C. or elsewhere. Instead, all CBYX participants should attend their local Area Team End of Stay Orientation activities.
- Additionally, the German CBYX participants will also be provided a supplementary virtual CBYX-specific program conclusion event by Sponsored Programs staff.
- Kindly reach the CBYX staff at AFS-USA with any questions or concerns: or 646-751-2161.
- For information about End-of-Stay Orientations and Departures, please see this page:
Please see below updates on FLEX and YES Student Departure dates
End-of-Stay Orientation for all YES and some FLEX students is currently expected to be a two-day orientation in Washington, D.C. before students' international flights. Departure dates below are the departure dates from student host communities.
Please note that as per ECA policy, year-end activities (such as prom, graduation, important host family events, etc.) are not considered when assigning return flight dates and the student must return to their home country on the assigned travel date at the end of the program. Additionally, the U.S. visa will not be amended or extended beyond the program end date.
All details and dates listed below are subject to change.
2023-2024 (NH23) AFS-USA hosted FLEX Participant Departures:
Host community departure dates will be shared directly with FLEX students, host families, and volunteers via email. Students departing their host communities on Thursday, May 9, 2024 and Tuesday, June 18, 2024 will participate in end of stay orientations in DC prior to their international departure. Kindly contact the FLEX staff at AFS-USA with any questions or concerns:
2023-2024 (NH23 + SH24) AFS-USA hosted YES Participant Departures:
Host community departure dates:
Tuesday, June 4, 2024: Albania, Cameroon, Gaza Strip, Jordan, Israel (Arab Communities), Kosovo, Kuwait, Lebanon, Liberia, Mali, Pakistan (Islamabad), Saudi Arabia, Sierra Leone, West Bank, Egypt, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Malaysia, Mozambique, Philippines, South Africa, Thailand, and Turkey
Tuesday, June 11, 2024: Bahrain, Bangladesh, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Libya, Morocco, Nigeria, North Macedonia, Pakistan (Karachi), Senegal, Suriname, Tanzania, and Tunisia
Kindly contact the YES staff at AFS-USA with any questions or concerns: or