This guide provides basic instruction on how to check the registration status of any potential volunteer with a Global Link record. For specific instructions on monitoring volunteer registration for prospective liaisons visit the Assign Liaisons page.
Steps for Checking Volunteer Status
1. To find the registration status of a particular volunteer, click Person and enter the person's name and Search to find his or her Global Link record.
2. When the search is complete, a list of people that meet your search criteria will appear at the bottom of your screen. Click on the name of the person you were seeking.
Note: In some cases, only one record will appear. In other cases, you may have put additional information into your search (such as their Area Team or State) in order to further narrow your search results.
4. Next, find the Volunteering Service Case under the Service Case tab and click on the blue Service Ref. number.
5. Now you will see their Volunteer Service Detail page which includes their current registration status. First, check if the Volunteer File is open rather than closed by looking at the Service Status. Then look for the Volunteer Reg. Status.
- a) Applicant Pending means that this is a brand new volunteer. Applicants with this status are in varying stages of the process. At this stage applicants are NOT registered volunteers.
To learn what the applicant still must complete in order to become fully registered, click on the Checklist at the top of the page here:
A new window will open to show which parts of the volunteer application process have already been completed. In the following example, we are waiting for the applicant's references to arrive.
- b) Reregistering-Pending means this Volunteer is in the process of completing his or her annual registration. On a yearly basis, volunteers must update their Online Application and submit a Criminal Background Check. Only volunteers with a valid background check in this status are clear to volunteer.
- c) Registered means that this applicant has completed all registration pieces whether they are a new or a re-registering Volunteer.
Not all volunteers will have access to this information. Please feel free to send questions to