On May 12, 2020, we launched a new host family application, Host Family Application 2.0. During the 2020-2021 school year there will be some families with the "Old" application and others with the 2.0 version - both are reflected below. Please note the Host Family Application 2.0 does not work well with Internet Explorer.
There is more than one way to find a host family application in Global Link, but all methods require an appropriate volunteer affiliation. If you are unable to access host family applications in Global Link, please notify your Regional Field Specialist (RFS) to help you get the proper affiliation. This article contains the following information:
How to Find Host Family Applications
The easiest way to find Host Family applicants in your team is to use the Host Family Application section of Global Link here:
All host families with open host family applications will automatically appear including families currently hosting as well as those applying to host or even just thinking about hosting in the future. You can use search parameters to look at families related only to a particular school year (under Program Code) or who have a student in their home (Service Stage = Participation), for example. You can also type in a name to look for a specific family. In the case below, I'm looking at families with open applications for students arriving in the fall of 2017:
In the search results, you can click on the link in the Program Name column to open the application directly.
From here you'll see either the "Old" version of the application or Application 2.0 for families who applied on May 12th, 2020 or later.
"Old" Host Family Application
On the next page you can review individual pages of the application or find the "Printable Version" to download a PDF of the application for review.
Please see the Identify What's Missing article to learn more about which parts of the application a family might still need to complete. Keep reading to learn what the various Host Family Application Statuses mean.
Host Family Application 2.0
When opening up Application 2.0, you can use the left side menu to go directly to view specific sections or questions in the application:
Or, you can click on the Staff/Volunteer Option to get to a "Printable" (PDF) version of the application:
Please see the Identify What's Missing article to learn more about which parts of the application a family might still need to complete. Keep reading to learn what the various Host Family Application Statuses mean.
Identifying the Host Family Application Status
Above we demonstrated a quick way to find the host family application. The method below will describe an alternative method which will also show the the Host Family Application Status. The various statuses are also defined below.
Once you pull up your host family or host families of interest in the Host Family Application section of Global Link, click on the blue Service Ref. number here:
On the next page, you may need to scroll down to find the blue buttons in the middle of the page. Right above them is a field called OA Status.
The OA Status can help you determine where in the application process a host family is. Here are the various OA Statuses:
Created – the host family has been sent the link to begin the application but has not yet started completing it
Preparing – the host family is completing the application but has not submitted it to AFS (see Identify What's Missing to learn how to view how much of the application still needs to be completed)
Submitted – the host family has submitted the application but it has not yet been reviewed by Hosting Operations staff
Returned – some forms are incomplete so the app was returned to the family with instructions about what info is still needed.
Accepted – the forms that the family was required to fill out were submitted and are complete (this does not include forms D, E, PAF or the references)
Transferred – the application has been shared with the partner country
Rejected – the family does not meet the criteria to host a student