These expense reports are submitted after an incurred expense to Sponsored Programs. All receipts and any other documentation to support the transaction(s) must be submitted.
If you have any questions, please email
Enrichment Activity Reimbursement Request: Cluster Coordinators should complete this Jotform.
Host Family Reimbursement Request: Host Families should complete this Jotform.
Missing Receipt Form: This form should only be used for expenses of $25.00 or less.
Cluster Stipend Form: This form should be completed by Cluster Coordinators for any cash stipends given out to participants during an enrichment activity.
When submitting receipts, please make sure the following requirements are met:
- Clear, not blurry images
- The image must include the date and the business name
- If the receipt has multiple items, please highlight the items you want to get reimbursed (to separate
from personal purchases)
Below are the forms you may need for your Sponsored Programs Cluster activities expenses.