Collected from NVA Delegates
- Team responsibilities are broken out and shared
- Clarify responsibilities by role to focus on which ones are key to our success.
- Reconfirm commitment and take action
- Create new roles where needed
- Align volunteers to activities they have a background in or enjoy doing
- Update affiliations in Global Link
- Empower team leaders
- Invite new volunteers to take on tasks
- Have an organizational chart with job descriptions
- Encourage inclusiveness
- Ensure key roles are filled
Area Teams who provided best practices: MOGY, South Carolina, Arkansas, San Francisco Bay, Capital, Western NY, Greater Illinois, Milwaukee, DelMarPa, Inland Empire, East Metro, Ohio River Valley, One World, Greater Puget Sound, Greater West Metro, Minn-Kota, Western Iowa & Nebraska, EZ Pass, DeRuyter, NY, Virginia, San Antonio