Champion AFS exchange students by country and program type using these resources! First, hear from Traci Larson Lee, Sr. Director of Field Operations on the importance of championing our students:
Read on for resources focused on:
- Italian students
- German students
- Thai students
- Sponsored Programs Students
- Welcome families
- Middle East Programs
- Semester students
- Students with disabilities
- Students with dietary restrictions
Students with pet allergies
- Japanese students
- French students
- China, Hong Kong, and Asian students
- Turkish students
- Chilean students
Italian Students:
Video from Veronica Vismara of AFS Italy
AFS Exchange podcast episode featuring Tommaso from Italy
An intercultural culinary experience webinar featuring AFSers from Italy
Email template for sending a message to host family leads
Italy Talking Points Infographic
Italy Talking Points Social Media Graphic
German Students:
An intercultural culinary experience webinar featuring AFSers from Germany
Germany Talking Points Infographic
Germany Talking Points Social Media Graphic
Host an Exchange Student Flyer - Germany
Host a German Exchange Student - Social Media Graphic
Thai Students:
An intercultural culinary experience webinar featuring AFSers from Thailand
Email Template for host family leads
Facebook Sharing Instructions for Community Pages
Customizable Flyer (can be printed in color or B&W)
Talking Points and Cultural Facts
Thailand Talking Points Infographic
Thailand Talking Points Social Media Graphic
Sponsored Programs Students:
Sponsored Programs Talking Points Infographic
Sponsored Programs Talking Points Social Media Graphic
Five Reasons to Host a Turkish Student SM Graphic
*See Middle East Programs section for additional resources
Welcome Families:
Email Templates for past short-term host families and closed host family leads
Flyers (Color and Black & White)
Social Media Graphic for Facebook and Instagram (with captions)
Middle East Programs:
Email Templates for host family leads, past host families and current host families
Talking Points and Cultural Facts
Share this video from a YES Student, Maria from Pakistan (2022-23)
Muslim Students Talking Points Infographic
Muslim Students Talking Points Social Media Graphic
Semester Students:
Social Media Post 2 (Graphic Only)
Email Templates for host family leads, past host families and temporary/event host families
Flyers (or create your own)
Talking Points and Cultural Facts
Students with Disabilities:
Diet Restrictions/Pet Allergies:
Graphic Promoting Vegetarian Students
Email Templates for Celiac (gluten-free) students, Vegan/vegetarian students, and students with pet allergies
Newsletter Blurb for all students
Japanese Students:
Email Template: host family leads, current host families, former host families, Japan returnees
French Students:
Customizable Flyer (can be printed in color or B&W)
Email Templates: host family leads, past host families, Chinese student specific
Flyers (Color and Black & White)
Newsletter Blurb or Community Board template
Talking Points and Cultural Facts
Chilean Students:
Chilean Students Talking Points Infographic
Chilean Students Talking Points Social Media Graphic