A handy guide to some of the most common acronyms and abbreviations used by AFS-USA volunteers and staff.
A guide to IOC codes (International Olympic Committee/partner country codes) can be found here.
A guide to AFS's Program Codes (program length, content, and cycle) can be found here.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
A |
AC | American Councils |
ASC | Associate Support Coordinator |
AT | Area Team |
ATC | Area Team Chair |
ATH | Area Team Hold |
AW | Activity Waiver |
B |
BUBW | Better Understanding for a Better World Conference |
C |
CBC | Criminal Background Check |
CBO | Community Based Organization |
CBYX | Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange |
CC | Community College |
CEPI | Customer Experience and Program Innovation Department |
CP | Community Placed |
CSIET | Council on Standards for International and Educational Travel |
D |
D-Day | Departure Day |
DO | Duty Officer |
DOS | Department of State |
DP | Double Placement |
E |
ECA | Educational and Cultural Affairs |
ED | Eating Disorder |
ELTiS | English Language Test for International Students |
EOS | End of Stay Orientation |
ER | Early Return |
F |
F | Finalist |
F-1 | F-1 Visa |
FF | Priority Finalist |
FOA | Faces of America |
FPC | Family Placement Confirmed |
G |
G | Guaranteed placement |
GL | Global Link |
GMMI | Global Medical Management Inc. |
H |
H&L | Help & Learning |
HDS | Host Distribution Site |
HF | Host Family |
HFA | Host Family Agreement (Form F) |
HFO | Host Family Orientation |
HFOA | Host Family Online Application |
HOC | Hosting Operations Coordinator |
HOps | Hosting Operations Department |
Hostfam | Host Family |
HSA | Hosting and Support Affiliations Training |
I |
ICL | Intercultural Learning |
IEW | International Education Week |
IOC code | International Olympic Committee code |
J |
J-1 | J-1 Visa |
M |
MLR | Monthly Learning Reflections |
N |
Natfam/Nats | Natural Family |
Natma | Natural Mother |
Natpa | Natural Father |
NF | Natural Family |
NSLI-Y | National Strategic Language Initiative for Youth |
NT PPW | Non-Traditional Placement (Double Placement, Single Parent Placement, Same Sex Hostparent Placement) Paperwork |
NVA | National Volunteer Assembly |
O |
OA | Online Application |
OD | Organizational Development |
ODS | Organizational Development Specialist |
P |
PA | Participation Agreement |
PAF | Parental Authorization Form |
PAF | Placement Acceptance Form |
PAO | Post-Arrival Orientation |
pax | Participant |
PDO | Pre-Departure Orientation |
PFS | Plan for Success |
PHQ | Partner Health Questionnaire |
PP | Parental Permission Form |
PPW | Paperwork |
PR | Program Release |
PRTN | Personal Early Return |
PS | Payment Schedule |
PSM | Participant Support Manager |
PSS | Participant Support Specialist |
PWP | Placed Without Papers |
R |
RD | Regional Director |
RFS | Regional Field Specialist |
RMCQA | Risk Management, Compliance & Quality Assurance |
RTLC | Regional Travel and Logistics Coordinator |
S |
SA | Support Agreement |
SAS | Study Abroad Specialist |
SC | Support Coordinator |
SP | Sponsored Programs |
SP Hostfam | Single Parent Host Family (without children living in home) |
Sr PSS | Senior Participant Support Specialist |
SS Hostfam | Same Sex Host Parent Family |
T |
TW | Travel Waiver |
V |
Vol | Volunteer |
W |
WL | Warning Letter |
WL | Wait listed |
WW | Withdrawn |
Y |
YES | Youth Exchange and Study |
YES Abroad | Kennedy-Lugar Youth Exchange and Study Abroad |