Introduction & Overview
The Nominations & Selection Committee is responsible for implementing the annual process for identifying potential nominees for national leadership positions, including the National Council Steering Committee and the AFS-USA Board of Directors. In addition, the Committee develops and implements the standard processes for recruiting and identifying new volunteer members for all Advisory Groups and Committees, including volunteer Chairs of those Committees. The Committee may assist Advisory Groups and National Council Committees with membership recruitment, when requested.
What is the composition of the Nominations & Selection Committee?
The Nominations and Selection Committee is co-chaired by one volunteer and one staff member. Current members are as follows:
- Jim Walker (volunteer co-chair)
- Scott Hume (staff co-chair)
- Patti Rounsevell (Vice-Chair of AFS-USA National Council)
- Tara Hofmann (President, AFS-USA)
How much time is required?
The Nominations & Selection Committee averages 1-2 hours of work per month, including formal meetings (via Zoom) and collaborative work between meetings.
What are the terms of membership?
It is encouraged that the outgoing National Council Chair become the Chair of the Nominations and Selection Committee. This allows the past Chair to continue to contribute their knowledge and expertise, and act as a resource on current goals and priorities. If that is not feasible the President will appoint the Chair, having consulted with the Steering Committee. The staff co-chair is appointed by the AFS-USA President. Other standing members of the group include AFS-USA’s President and the current Vice-Chair of the National Council.
How can I get involved?
As of May 2023, the Nominations & Selection Committee is not looking to add members to the Committee, but the interest form for all National Advisory Groups & Committees may be found here.