June 2020: The Council on Standards for International Educational Travel (CSIET) has published a letter to schools encouraging participation in Youth Exchange even during COVID-19 and also updated multiple reference documents for exchange organizations to share with schools who need additional information on the benefits of Youth Exchange.
- An introductory letter from CSIET highlighting the benefits of international student exchange and the importance of connecting cultures through citizen diplomacy.
- A four-point downloadable set of School Resources (STEP Full Version) that high schools can use to jump start and administer their programs. This document is organized according to the goals of CSIET’s Strategic Plan (Stewardship, Transparency, Engagement, and Partnership) and contains concise explanations regarding preferred practices, along useful links to relevant resources.
- A one page downloadable version of the STEP Resources.
- A new, downloadable set of Model School Practices, a replacement for CSIET’s existing Model School Policy, designed to provide schools with detailed information on how to work with international exchange students and programs; the new practices also provide guidance on acceptance of international exchange students.